Sunday, December 18, 2011

christmas is coming!

 one of us always lookin a little goofy....guess isaac was getting bored.  getting everyone to look in the same direction for a pic is asking too much....
 the teething never ends!
 christmas cookies!

here are some of my most recent fav pics - halloween, thanksgiving, and christmas prep all rolled into one.  

Isaac is on break from preschool, I just started a new job this week at A I duPont hospital for children, Josh is maybe beginning graduate school next month, and Charlotte started hippatherapy this week (pic/video to follow)!  phew!  we like to stay busy round here.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

a first!!

so here we are!!  the jackson crew.  our first attempt at a blog...expect grammatical errors, very few capital letters, and typos galore.  i love pics so will add them as often as i can.
i'm sure some of u know the whole story  - so i'll be brief.  josh and i have 2 great kids -isaac and charlotte; 2 great dogs -molly and jenny; one little runt kitty - scrappy.
charlotte has some medical issues...complicated and rare is the easiest way to describe infantile refsum disease.  i hope to help family and friends better understand the disease and our life with it.